I don't like spiders

Does anyone here like spiders?  I DO NOT!!!

This week, I walked out of the garage on the way to work.  Kids walk outside on the way to the car and we see a tarantula on the outside of our house!  Eeep!!  Kids, in the car!  Husband, you take care of THAT!

I told my friends about it at work.  Went to a meeting.  Came back to my desk and found a huge (fake) spider on my desk.  I had been so busy that I never noticed it.  I was going about my business and just reached up to my computer without even looking and the (fake) spider scared me silly!  I jumped and yelled and I hear half the department laugh.  (Good to have friends, ya know!)

Satan is kinda like that spider.  He shows up when we least expect it.  We have to stay in step with God through reading our Bible each day, praying, and memorizing Scripture to protect us when we need it the most.

I Peter 5:8-11
"Stay alert.  The devil is poised to pounce...Keep your guard up...Keep a firm grip on your faith in God.  The suffering won't last forever.  It won't be long before this generout God who has great plans for us in Christ -- eternal and glorious plans the yare! -- will have you put together on your feet for good.  He gets the Last word; yes, He does..."

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