St. Patrick's Day Lesson

St. Patrick’s Day!  Did you wear green?  Did you get pinched?

Do you know what this is?  If you’re like me, you probably have some growing in your yard.  It’s a SHAMROCK!  This is one of the symbols from St. Patrick’s Day.

Many years ago, St. Patrick used the shamrock to tell others about God.  He explained that the shamrock has 3 parts, but it’s still one shamrock.  The same is true about God.  The Bible tells us that there is God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Matthew 28:19  “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”

Another symbol you see a lot around St. Patrick’s Day is a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end of it.  The Bible has a story about a rainbow too…remember when Noah stepped out of the arc and God put a rainbow in the sky?  He used the rainbow as a symbol of his promise to Noah.  To me, God’s promises are worth far more than a pot of gold. 
We all make promises, don’t we?  You may promise your Mom that you’ll clean your room or do your chores.  So, next time you see a rainbow, I want you remember that it’s important for us to keep our promises too…just like God always keeps His.
Dear Lord, we are thankful that you are faithful to keep your promises.  Help us to be faithful in keeping ours.  Amen.